
RemSoc AGM to be held on 24th November 2021

In line with our constitution, RemSoc will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 24th November 2021. The AGM will again be hosted online via Teams.  Please contact info@remsoc.org if you would like to attend the AGM or if you would like to have further involvement in the Society as a member of the Steering Committee or a part of one of the Working Groups.

If you are interested in joining the Steering Committee but would like a taste of what it’s all about first, please let us know and we will make arrangements for you to join an upcoming committee meeting.

The agenda for the AGM is as follows:

  • Welcome
  • Summary of RemSoc accounts
  • Committee changes
  • Plan for 2022
  • Any other business

We look forward to hearing from you at the AGM!