Volunteer Opportunity for a RemSoc ECP!
Volunteer Opportunity for a RemSoc ECP!
CL:AIRE have extended an invite to RemSoc for one of its Early Career Practitioners (ECPs) to join its Technical Resource Group (TRG) on a volunteer basis alongside a team of ECPs recruited from other societies. The role involves reviewing CL:AIRE bulletins, training courses and industry guidance documents prior to their publication, with the specific aim of ensuring that they are suitable for ECPs. The time commitment is two 2 hour meetings and one all day meeting per year, plus ad hoc time to review the documents, covering a range of topics that fall within CL:AIRE’s scope around sustainable land reuse, land contamination and materials management issues.
To qualify, all you need is to be a fully paid up member of RemSoc and to have somewhere between 5 and 10 years experience. If you qualify and are interested in taking up this exciting opportunity that would look great on anyone’s CV, then please get in touch via info@remsoc.org stating “CL:AIRE ECP Opportunity” in the subject heading and tell us a little about yourself . The deadline for applications is 16th April!