
RemSoc 2019 Conference – 16th October 2019

RemSoc 2019 – 16th October 2019, at The Studios, 7 Cannon Street, Birmingham

We are delighted and excited to announce that we will be holding our third conference back at The Studios in Birmingham City Centre on 16th October 2019.

As with the previous conference, our aim is to provide a “different”, engaging and thought provoking day. Our focus will be on live debates on a range of key topics for our industry, and providing an update of the Framework for Remediation. It will also provide a platform for the society’s Early Career Practitioners to share their industry experience and develop their presentation skills.

An updated itinerary for the day is included below.

Time Item
09:30 to 09:40 Opening remarks
09:40 to 10:10 Framework update
10:10 to 10:25 SoBRA update
10:25 to 10:45 Break / networking
10:45 to 11:00 Supporting Career Development group update
11:00 to 11:45 Debate preparation
11:45 to 12:15 ECP update
12:15 to 13:15 Lunch / networking
13:15 to 13:45 ECP update
13:45 to 14:25 Debate 1
14:25 to 14:45 Break / networking
14:45 to 15:25 Debate 2
15:25 to 16:05 Debate 3
16:05 to 16:25 Debate sum up
16:25 to 16:30 Closing remarks and next steps
16:30 End

Tickets can be purchased via Eventbrite using the link below. Tickets cost £75 for non-members with members getting a £25 discount (please just use your e-mail address as a promo code to receive your discount). Lunch is included!

If you have any questions about the event, please get in touch at info@remsoc.org

We look forward to seeing you there!