
Supporting Career Development

RemSoc is keen to support/promote its members to obtain appropriate status or accreditation with professional and other organisations (eg. ICE, IChemE, GeolSoc, RSC, CIWEM to name a few). RemSoc has established connection with a range of appropriate organisations and explored how the Society can support its members to gain recognition of their skills and expertise.  A summary of  institutions available to Remediation Practitioners can be accessed using the link below.

Remsoc Review of Institutions 2018


RemSoc is proud to be able to provide a mentoring and coaching network to its members. Whatever route you are looking to explore, if you would like advice, support or guidance about your career development please get in touch through info@remsoc.org and we will look to connect you with a mentor.  Similarly, if you are chartered and would be interested in coaching and mentoring please get in touch!