
Hydrogeological Group: The hydrogeology of sandstones – London, 23rd-24th September 2020

When: 23-24 September 2020

Where: The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BG

Organised by: The Gelogical Society Hydrogeological Group & Contaminated Land Group

This event is the third of well-attended aquifer conferences held by the Hydrogeological Group of the Geological Society and supported by the Contaminated Land Group. This two-day conference will focus on applied science and the management of groundwater resources and quality in the sandstone aquifers in the UK and elsewhere. Several keynote speakers will be attending from the UK and abroad.

Provisional programme
Day 1
• Geology/water resources: hydrostratigraphy, water supply, field exploration methods, geophysics, conceptual models
• Groundwater management: recharge, basing scale management, regional modelling, dewatering
• Wine reception and networking
Day 2
• Groundwater quality: contaminant transport parameters and modelling, diffuse/point-source impacts, hydro-ecology, conventional/unconventional oil and gas exploration
• Contaminated land and nuclear sites: risk assessment, remediation
• Wine reception and networking

Keynote Speakers

Day 1
•Jesse Korus, University of Nebraska – Cenozoic sandstones of the North American High Plains: Sandstone body geometry and regional alluvial architecture
•Stephen Foster, University College London – Guarani Aquifer System: From regional reserves to local use

Day 2
•Sara Mehrabi, COWI – Groundwater remediation planning in sandstone; a blessing or a curse?
•Jenny Lightfoot, Arup – Project SIReN: Monitored natural attenuation research site revisited after 15 years

Registration: Visit the website.

Contact: For further information on the conference, please contact the lead convenor, Hamdi El-Ghonemy. Alternatively, you can contact the other convenors:
Matthew Ascott
Bryony Osbourn
Rolf Farrell